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Pun with Cannibals

As we’ve discussed on previous shows, one difficult aspect of learning a second language is adapting to humor that involves plays on words. They are also called puns.  The appropriate way to receive a pun when it is told is to pretend you didn’t think it was funny.  You may stare at the pun-teller or even let out a groan (unnnhh!).  We don’t want to give punsters credit for clever wordplay, but usually we end up smiling or even laughing.  Here is a clever wordplay that most Americans would chuckle over.  The question: is it funny to you?

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: “Does this taste funny to you?”

What's So Funny?

This joke involves a common English expression "to taste funny," which means to taste strange or odd. The line has a double meaning because the two individuals in the story are cannibals (people who eat the meat of other humans). They are eating a clown, whose job is to act funny and make people laugh.

A typical clown (photo source: Wikipedia)

Practice telling this joke, so you can share it with your American friends.  See if they laugh (or groan) at this play on words.